He fell in love amidst the haziness and loneliness that had engulfed his life. He met that person and unknowingly he felt he had known him for ages. He enjoyed that feeling and opened up to the person. Before he knew anything he was in love. He enjoyed every bit of attention that he received and also felt the bliss of togetherness when and around that person. His mind would dance at that name and his lips would stretch into a smile at the very thought of that person.
He expressed what he thought was evident, his love for this amiable creature! But, that is when love played its first dirty game with this man. All that was positive vanished into negativity, all that was in color merged into black and all that danced to the zephyr of love broke into pieces. A mere wording or legitimate expression of love ruined what was a reality. Now it has to be referred to as a dream. To grow beyond this was the obvious!
His love for that person did not change at that . . . after all it was LOVE!! How could it change? After a while, the other person seemed to drift further away into a distance that was unknown. It could be referred to as the Abyss. The light couldn’t reach that darkness and the sound couldn’t touch his senses at that depth of separation.
The distance induced pain, pain that was excruciating, insatiable and totally insensitive. His love was put to test, his love was being evaluated and his love was measured and perceived and observed. He realized it had gone too far! If his love is being put through all of it, it is best preferred for his love to lay within the depths of his heart, in a unknown abyss of its own and to glow within him and light his persona with the warmth of godliness.
Days passed, his love continued to glow and cherish within himself, unto himself. It wouldn’t perish, after all it was LOVE!
He is happy he protected his love from being tested, being played with and being hurt from. He shall survive with that love within him, warming his soul and protecting him from the viciousness of life and unruliness of people.
After all, it is LOVE . .. it will never die!!!
He expressed what he thought was evident, his love for this amiable creature! But, that is when love played its first dirty game with this man. All that was positive vanished into negativity, all that was in color merged into black and all that danced to the zephyr of love broke into pieces. A mere wording or legitimate expression of love ruined what was a reality. Now it has to be referred to as a dream. To grow beyond this was the obvious!
His love for that person did not change at that . . . after all it was LOVE!! How could it change? After a while, the other person seemed to drift further away into a distance that was unknown. It could be referred to as the Abyss. The light couldn’t reach that darkness and the sound couldn’t touch his senses at that depth of separation.
The distance induced pain, pain that was excruciating, insatiable and totally insensitive. His love was put to test, his love was being evaluated and his love was measured and perceived and observed. He realized it had gone too far! If his love is being put through all of it, it is best preferred for his love to lay within the depths of his heart, in a unknown abyss of its own and to glow within him and light his persona with the warmth of godliness.
Days passed, his love continued to glow and cherish within himself, unto himself. It wouldn’t perish, after all it was LOVE!
He is happy he protected his love from being tested, being played with and being hurt from. He shall survive with that love within him, warming his soul and protecting him from the viciousness of life and unruliness of people.
After all, it is LOVE . .. it will never die!!!
Brilliant site, I had not come across rkarthikhebbar.blogspot.com before in my searches!
Continue the fantastic work!
thanks anonymous . . i am glas ui likes my old blogs . . I have given up writing blogs since a while due to my tight schedules . . . I am glad u liked my story . . I am available at rkarthikhebbar@gmail.com for talks :)
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