Sunday, February 11, 2007

Bahukrita Vesham

Today I was listening to the lines from the songs of Umrao Jaan.

Abhi aaye ho
Abhee baite, abhi chal diye
Bas ek rasm nibhaane keliye na aaya karo

[you have just come, you did just sit and there you are, already ready to go? dont just come for a formality!]

How true isn’t it? Some times all that we do and say just feels like a formality! Only if we were more true to ourselves and the world! I am reminded of the lines written by the famous Kannada poet DVG

Veshavidu bidadu jeevanava
Veshaadase bidadu manujana jevava

We all roam in masks, aspiring to impress people, gain attention and to belong ‘everywhere’. We all are pulled towards wearing masks that are so away from reality. We enjoy being hallucinated and believing in hallucinations! Seldom do we realize that our life also is nothing but a mask now. One that looks like a face but is not a face, one that has eyes but cannot see, one that has a nose but cannot smell and one that has a mouth but cannot speak. It is just an illusion!

Only if we could be real and original!

I am also reminded of Shankaraacharya again!

udara nimittam bahukrita vesham!

(it is only to fill the stomach, that we wear all these attires! stomach may just be a metaphor to different desires there)

may there be peace evrywhere and let reality prevail!!

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